EN: It’s foggy Saturday morning – after many non flyable weekends finally good weather forecast, so we are heading to Ben Bulben, county Sligo’s unique table mountain. Once you see that beauty from the top you never get enough.
SK: Sobotňajšie ráno je síce zahmlené, ale predpoveď konečne vyzerá nádejne - znovu vyrážame na stolovú horu Ben Bulben.
Neal is already there and Tom is on the way – after a quick chitchat we are ready to climb up as high as it’s possible as the wind is quite weak today.
The sky is clear and blue for a change but by the time we get ready the cloud arrives and the wind picks up. Neal has to go to work after flying so he is rushing first – 2 minutes later and he is enjoying the aerial view from 250metres above the Ben Bulben. We are joining him quickly and enjoying free ride in a smooth lift – the air is unbelievably smooth and the view is amazing – but it’s seriously cold up here. The southern side of Ben Bulben is nice and sunny but we have to stick to the northern side. First attempt to jump to Ben Wiskin is cancelled – there is some drizzle so we go back to Ben Bulben. I wait 10 minutes and try again. Unfortunately this time I have 100metres less altitude than before and also the wind is dropping down quickly. When I get to Ben Wiskin I’m below the ridge - I’m trying to scratch some extra metres but nothing works and I go straight down – this day is over and I wish we had more days like this one.
SK: Neal už netrpezlivo prešľapuje pod kopcom a Tom prichádza krátko po nás. Vietor je dnes pre zmenu slabý a tak sa rozkladáme čo najvyššie. Medzitým prichádza oblak a vietor sa dvíha - Neal, ktorý sa po lietaní náhli do práce štartuje prvý a 2 minúty na to si užíva super výhľad. Naše obavy či sa dnes uchytíme sa rýchlo vyparia a všetci traja sme odmenení hladkou cestou rovno nad stolový horu. Prvý pokus o preskok na susedný Ben Wiskin kvôli prehánke rušíme, 10 minút neskôr skúšam znovu no teraz už s menšou výškou, oblak so rozlieva, vietor rýchlo slabne a pod Ben Wiskinom už len chvíľu škrabkám metríky a prajem si aby sme mali takýchto dní viac.
10.8km XC from Ben Bulben to Ben Wiskin
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tracklog 10.8km XC.
Fotogaléria: Winter Paragliding Ben Bulben NW to Ben Wiskin, Ireland
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