Paragliding, kayaking, rafting, climbing and scuba diving across the world


Scuba Diving Tenerife

Scuba Diving Tenerife EN: Our first dive in Alcala, Tenerife with Riaansscuba. Ocean couldn't be more grateful to us. We had perfect conditions, visibility was great and we were stoned by the richness of the marine life.
SK: Naše prvé potápanie s Riaansscuba v mestečku Alcala nás prekvapilo bohatou rozmanitou faunou a super viditeľnosťou.

EN: The second dive with Riaansscuba - Caverns Nueva Carpeta, Tenerife. Unfortunatelly the low tide and waves made many caves inaccessible or not save enough.
SK: Druhý ponor do 27m v podvodných tuneloch sme mali v lokalite Nueva Carpeta. Nanešťastie silnejúci vietor, v spojení s veľkými vlnami a odlivom zneprístupnil veľkú časť jaskýň.

Photogallery/Fotogaléria: Scuba Diving Alcala and Nueva Carpeta, Tenerife

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