Paragliding, kayaking, rafting, climbing and scuba diving across the world


Paragliding Glencar Lake to Ben Bulben

Paragliding Glencar Lake to Ben Bulben, Írsko EN: The morning sky is looking promissingly but the weather forecast is less positive - the rain and wind will be coming soon from the Atlantic so we better hurry up.
SK: Obloha ráno vyzerá nádejne no podľa predpovede sa má rozfúkať a nasunúť oblačnosť z Atlantiku spolu s dažďom.
Although it's only 10.30am the first group of pilots is already above the Glencar Lake ready to take off - we can see Matej high above the ridge and by the time we get there he is half way to Ben Bulben just below the cloud base. The wind is switching and taking off is a bit tricky - once air borne it's a free ride high above the ridge so we are heading towards Kings Mountain and enjoying the Yeats country from above. But the weather forecast was right - the clouds are coming and even the wind is getting stronger so I set on a final glide around the Ben Bulben - gaining some extra meters in a smooth lift and enjoying the view at the famous table mountain.
SK: Prvá skupinka je na štarte nad Glencar Lake pri Sligu už o 10:30 - už z diaľky vidíme Mateja nad hrebeňom a kým sa dostaneme na štart je Matej už na konci hrany a točí pod oblakom. Jeden po druhom do toho skáčeme - štart nie je ideálny, vietor ťahá údolím raz zľava a raz zprava no vo vzduchu je už dobre a chvíľu na to sme vysoko nad hrebeňom a užívame si pohľady na "Yeats country" a na jedinečnú stolovú horu Ben Bulben. No predpoveď neklamala a vietor zosilňuje - nevraciam sa naspäť nad jazero k štartu ale letím s vetrom okolo Ben Bulbena k hlavnej ceste. Hodinu na to prší.

14.4km XC prelet Glencar Lake - Ben Bulben
Link na tracklog 14.4km cross country preletu.

Fotogaléria: Paragliding XC Glencar Lake - Ben Bulben NW, Írsko

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